Exciting news!
As of December 18th, our campaign has raised the money required to qualify for the Connecticut Citizens Election Program (CEP). This is quite an achievement considering we only announced the campaign on December 7th. Thank you to all who have contributed in such a timely way. I believe this demonstrates the amount of support I have not only for Democrats but unaffiliated and even Republicans.
One Republican told me that he’s never made a campaign contribution before, and he’s never voted for a Democrat.
“The times, they are a changin’.”
Between December 18th and the announcement of my campaign on December 7th we have raised over $7,000 from over 175 donors of which more than 150 were from within the 69th legislative district (Southbury, Roxbury, Bridgewater, and New Milford). This is very important because of how Connecticut’s Citizen Election Program (CEP) works.
As noted in the graphic below, this voluntary program is designed to have campaigns that are funded by INDIVIDUALS and not corporations, interest groups or lobbyists. When you realize the country is based on the Constitution that begins with “WE THE PEOPLE” and that at the time there were no corporations, interest groups or lobbyists like we know them today today, the CEP is a very “original” concept.
You can learn more about the CEP on their website here: https://seec.ct.gov/Portal/CEP/CEPLanding